Well...hello there...let me introduce myself.
My name is Stephanie Harris, and I live in New Mexico.
This will be my 17th year teaching!
Amazing how fast time flies by!
I've taught Kindergarten, 1st, 4th, & one semester in 3rd.
The last 9 years I've spent at the BEST SCHOOL in the world.
One of the gals I work with says it is "Teacher's Heaven!"
And, she is right!
I've been married for 22 years to my wonderful husband! (See pic below with our girls)
We have 2 fantastic girls that are 16 and 11!

Before blogging became a wonderful way to share, I created a website using Frontpage from Microsoft and found a hosting site that let me choose my own domain name. I LOVED IT! Sooooo...when I started

My oldest daughter came up with my blogs name because she is so creative like that and I was taking days to think of something I liked.
I just read a quote about a lie many people tell themselves that has negative effects on their productivity, and risk taking. I know I have said this to myself before....."Everyone knows so much more than me and knows exactly what they are doing at all times."
So, with that in mind I can't wait to share what is happening in my room with whomever wants to read it!
Welcome to Lunch, Snacks, and Recess!
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This policy is valid from 08 December 2014
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